Texas Indie Solar opens it’s doors, and whaddaya know, Willie Nelson’s Solar Stage Trailer is our first project. We worked in procurement under Sustainable Waves. After Mr. Nelson used it for his festival tour, the Warp Tour got ahold of it.
And while we weren’t hired to do anything solar with GE’s Solar Carousel, we were hired to make a canopy for it. So, we call that a win!
So then we decide that we’re going to make our own solar trailer from scratch. It’s called the Enlightening Bug. It’s a hit at Austin area schools to demo to the kiddos, and hired to charge festival goer’s cell phones at Art Outside, Texas and The Electric Forest Festival in Michigan.
And we made the Solar Dome, which we put up at festivals to show off our solar canopies and power stuff for the people.
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Dapibus sollicitudin potenti non lacus fusce quis eget est. Nulla lacinia molestie torquent.